Friday, December 17, 2010

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Pier Fortunato Zanfretta (Nova Milanese, MI, 28 dicembre 1952) deve la sua notorietà al fatto di sostenere di avere vissuto, tra il 1978 e il 1981, undici episodi di incontro ravvicinato del terzo e quarto tipo (IR3/4) con esseri alieni.

Zanfretta descrive questi alieni come di pelle grigia e increspata, alti quasi tre metri, grandi punte sulla testa e occhi triangolari gialli; egli dichiara che proverrebbero dalla "terza galassia". Gli alieni sarebbero chiamati "Dargos".

All'epoca Zanfretta era metronotte presso la cooperativa Istituto Val Bisagno di Genova, e i presunti incontri ravvicinati sarebbero avvenuti proprio durante i pattugliamenti che egli svolgeva per lavoro nella città e provincia. The story of Zanfretta, like that of other contacts, it is still not verifiable.

Some witnesses, including several colleagues Zanfretta, and many residents of the municipalities of Torriglia and propane (GE), scene of some of the events, claimed to have witnessed strange events related to the alleged abduction and inform the Police. Brigadier Antonio Nucci picked up 52 of these testimonies, he bears witness to a UFO sighting. Marshal Charles Toccalino, the night between 6 and 7 December 1978 was on duty at the switchboard of guardianship of the cooperative, said in an interview that shortly before the first alleged encounter took place at around at 24, Zanfretta had asked for help to his colleagues over the radio saying, "My God what is ugly, are not men, not men." precisely in those hours, some residents of nearby Torriglia would have seen a strong flare in the direction of the place where he was Zanfretta. Alarmed by the interruption of radio contact, colleagues Walter and Raymond Mascia Lauria went in search of Zanfretta: they found this one, claimed that his body was very warm despite the cold that night.
Zanfretta was in confusion and feverish. When he recovered, he said he was terrified by "the appearance of monstrous aliens."
The security guards informed the command of the Carabinieri, who then forwarded to the Ministry of Interior records in which was described as "good" degree of credibility of witnesses.
During the inspection carried out on site in the aftermath would have detected two footprints on the ground in a horseshoe with a diameter of about three meters. The thickness was about 15 cm and seemed to suggest that something was lying on the lawn. It was later completed the "Staff report about the sighting of unidentified flying objects (Ovni) and humanoids by Zanfretta Fortunato" it will be sent to the District Court of Genoa on January 3 by Brigadier Nucci 1979, and the Russian court will have to store the January 11, 1980 for "extreme lack of offense."
Under hypnosis, Zanfretta tell that, before being found, would have been invasive medical examination on board a UFO. Report also alleged that the aliens have expressed the intention to move to Earth in the future. Another strange episode would have occurred on the night between 2 and 3 December 1979, when Zanfretta disappeared again. Her car was found, without him, again near Torriglia. This time, however, was observed in a cloud whose interior would be lit both bulbs, the lieutenant Cassiba claimed to have fired several shots at tale nuvola, al che essa sarebbe sparita. Poco dopo Zanfretta fu trovato nei pressi della macchina. Infine, in coincidenza del quarto presunto Incontro Ravvicinato, avvenuto in Corso Europa, a Genova, i residenti segnalarono un black-out circoscritto.

Zanfretta afferma di aver ricevuto dai presunti esseri una sfera (inizialmente destinata all'ufologo Josef Allen Hynek) trasparente contenente un tetraedro dorato che ruoterebbe in sospensione. L'esistenza della sfera non è mai stata provata. Zanfretta afferma di averla nascosta in un luogo noto solamente a lui, ed eventuali altri individui che si avvicinassero, sostiene il metronotte, verrebbero fulminati dalla sfera stessa, sorte che sarebbe capitata ad una lepre avvicinatasi casualmente; Zanfretta racconta di sentirsi psichicamente forzato a recarvisi almeno due volte al mese, pur ignorando il motivo di tali visite.

Egli afferma di aver provato a fotografare la sfera, ottenendo, dopo lo sviluppo, solo l'immagine di cinque punti luminosi. Il metronotte afferma che i presunti esseri non lo reincontreranno prima del 2010. IL CASO ZANFRETTA


Gli psicanalisti Mauro Moretti e Cesare Musatti, che sottoposero Zanfretta a sedute di ipnosi regressiva, affermarono che le dichiarazioni circa tali eventi paranormali rese durante lo stato ipnotico sarebbero fatte in buona fede. Tuttavia, il loro collega Marco Marchesan precisò che queste dichiarazioni potrebbero comunque non corrispondere alla realtà. Inoltre, Roberto Pinotti ed Enrico Baccarini del Centro Ufologico Nazionale (CUN), pur ritenendo importante il "caso Zanfretta", scrissero su UFO Notiziario che l'ipnosi sarebbe stata inquinata irrimediabilmente dall'intrusione di un inquirente (Luciano Boccone).

During a broadcast on a local broadcaster, a member of the Italian Center for UFO Studies said that the case would be a false Zanfretta ascertained, as the first drawings of aliens made by the watchman, drawings of which would have, would be different from those present:
Moretti and Musatti states, however, that the drawings in the waking state would be much less accurate than those carried out under hypnosis.




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