Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Liquid Plumber Spilled On The Floor

UFO CONTACT - The Alien: The story we

David Icke (Leicester, 29 April 1952) is a British writer, the best known authors on the theory of conspiracy which considers the so-called Illuminati looking for ways to gain total control over the world.

Icke since the nineties advocated his theory that the world would be dominated by a limited number of "elected," the Illuminati ", linked to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, published in booklet form in 1905.

Icke cita nelle sue opere in particolare la Prima Guerra Mondiale e Seconda Guerra Mondiale,l'Olocausto, l'attentato di Oklahoma City, l'attentato del Volo PanAm 103, il conflitto in Bosnia, e gli attacchi terroristici dell'11 settembre 2001 come esempi di eventi causati dal "governo segreto".

Arrivando addirittura a teorizzare un controllo e una resposabilià da parte di esso sulla maggior parte degli eventi negativi degli ultimi due secoli.

GLI ILLUMINATI / NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE (NWO). Questa é una delle ultime conferenze David Icke Brixton Academy in 2008 held in

(to see subtitles ITALIAN CC press box after starting with PLAY VIDEO)

Second part of the conference held in the David Icke Brixton Academy in 2008.

PART TWO (the Reptilian)

"the great dragon, that ancient serpent, he who is' called Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, was hurled ON EARTH WERE WITH HIM precipitate his angels. " (Revelation 12:9)


You will also find the first missing part


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