UNDERSTANDING THE NATIONAL SOCIALISM IN A WORLD WE DIVE HID derived from ancient esoteric doctrines.
ALL HISTORY AND 'an invisible thread that is intertwined with other forces NOT RECEIVED IN THAT SIZE.
Himmler himself pointed out in these terms the spirit and ideal of the source organization. In all the ancient states - he says - there has always been an elite made up of men ready to give everything for their prince, to defend it and protect it, this feeling in a particular pride and honor. This was the hereditary nobility, which already support the pure principle of political sovereignty, in the era of the Enlightenment, liberalism and capitalism fell, it was not up to his old duties.
The problem today is to return to the same principle and draw an appropriate use for the new type of state. It was necessary to give back to form an elite that would guarantee stability and continuity of a revolutionary new order became established, which would strengthen the structures, which, according to an unconditional loyalty, was ready to crush anything that threatens him or had the character of deviations. This is the ideal genesis of the "SS".
Himmler was very keen to ascribe to it the character of an Order, with various features are a reminder of the ancient orders of chivalry, including a character in a certain way, hereditary. To come to that, he followed the following principles selective. First
the race.
It is known that the modern racism, not all ethnic elements simultaneously present in a given nation have the same value and equal dignity. Among them is a central one, which has a formative function, so that its decay conditions prevail or even the rise or decline of the whole people.
According to the German Ideology, in Germany this "superrazza" correspond to the blood and the Nordic type.
The first concern of the organizers of the "SS" fu, pertanto, che essa accogliesse uomini di origine “aria” ben certa (senza ascendenti nemmeno lontani ebraici o di razza di colore), i quali nei loro tratti somatici si avvicinassero particolarmente al puro tipo nordico.
Ciò, come criterio selettivo di primo grado. Date le mescolanze avvenute nel corso della storia di ogni popolo, è certo impossibile che il fisico corrisponda esattamente al morale; così se le qualità morali di tipo “nordico” è più probabile ritrovarle in un uomo fisicamente nordico che non in quello con tratti di altre razze, pure si impongono ulteriori considerazioni. Pertanto, gli aspiranti alla "SS" and be in order as to the somatic, they had to pass tests, in which the internal qualities ascribed to the blood of man nordic were required to appear. It was, so to speak, of load tests: the candidate was often placed in special situations, in which he could not show what was his true character.
In this respect, as the first requirement was worth just to prove their loyalty. Himmler himself, on the occasion of the events of June 30, 1934, had given the "SS" as the slogan: "Men of the SS, your honor is your faithfulness", clear relationship with con una massima dell'antico codice sassone:
«Tutto può essere perdonato, eccetto il tradimento».
La fedeltà qui viene intesa in senso lato:
si tratta della fedeltà rispetto al Capo e alla causa, ma altresì rispetto alla razza e a dei princìpi fondamentali della condotta, come già fu di norma nell'antica Cavalleria.
È ancora Himmler che scrisse, a tale riguardo, le seguenti parole, che poco confortano l'immagine distorta e sinistra che alcuni hanno della “SS” in genere:
«Si pecca contro la fedeltà e l'onore non solo quando si lede il proprio onore o quella di un'altra SS, ma anche e sopra everything when you do not respect the honor of others, when you mock sacred things to others, or when nothing is done manfully in favor of those absent, those who are weak, those who are helpless. "
As the basis for the formation of the "SS" after the loyalty, obedience was, to be fully and unconditionally, no less than in the strictest monastic orders. It was said that when the Prussian officer swore on his flag, he no longer belonged to himself. Frederick
This tradition was taken from the "SS". On behalf of the Head and the Idea, the man in the "SS" had to be ready for anything,
"even to sacrifice their pride and honor exterior, and all that we personally may be dear and precious."
when everything had to be able to stop him would push to act, as it should be able to act without hesitation, even in cases where this had felt the strongest internal obstacles. This requirement is absolute obedience Himmler considered him, among other things, as a corrective to the heightened sense of self and of freedom as the Nordic man has his own, and that he often acted in the negative.
For example, if you knew that he indulged in alcohol or smoke, he was asked to abstain for a longer or shorter time, this habit, demanding his word of honor. Unless he gave, he was expelled, but if, having given, the betrayed, "there's still more than the gun," that is killing it (textual expression of Himmler).
another case. It was mentioned that the "SS" tended to develop as a Crown body or order, as a Sippenorden. Result of a somatic selection and moral, it wanted the qualities of Nordic elites were transmitted in a suitable seed. This would result in an additional load test for the man in the "ss". He was not free to marry whom she wanted. He had to make a personal matter, emotional or sexual, with an interest of a supra already bringing their choice only on women who have sufficient collateral for a non-degenerate offspring or altered. For that existed in the "ss", a special office. If the man in the "SS" did not know or would not commit to that effect, was also ejected.
The trial period usually lasted a year and a half, being naturally
also included military training. Then, by solemn oath and delivery of the "dagger of honor of the SS", it was aggregated to the body.
A law of 1936 stipulated that each chapter of the "SS" guaranteed under his responsibility:
1) that no aspiring to be accepted when there are the requirements, it was also a son or relative;
2) that every fourth year of the new information did not come from families of "SS".
The second provision would prevent the crystallization of an elite group artificially closed, he could drop out of his mind qualified elements.
He kept that account of the laws studied by Pareto, that a 'guaranteed circulation of elites, as well as the continuity, the vitality and freshness of the core.
A curious definition (due all'Heydrich) of the "SS" is to "break ranks in the domain of the vision of the world" (weltanschauliche Stosstrupp). To the downside, it was the attack on the vision of life having as chief expression Marxism and Bolshevism, "the antithesis of all human values \u200b\u200band Nordic Aryan ', while on the positive side, it had reference to a way to "return to origin", which was characteristic for the "SS".
The "SS", in fact, designed to recall the Nordic traditions primordial, pre-Christian, with their symbols in their metaphysics, in their view of life, and for studies in this regard was a special section responsible for cultural Ahnenerbe said.
This "size" was characteristic for the "SS".
Already the signs with the two them, stylized in a double zig-zag sign, was identified with the so-called "runes of victory", an ancient Nordic sign which, in allusion to the lightning, he symbolized a magical power, a force from above. And this was precisely the well- noto segno portato dagli stendardi e dalle uniformi del “corpo nero”.
Invero, l'interesse che nelle alte gerarchie della “SS” (a partire da Himmler) si ebbe per il mondo dei simboli e delle tradizioni primordiali, fu spiccato.
Si può accennare che Himmler favorì gli studi di H. Wirth, noto ricercatore nel dominio del simboli e dei miti, e che J. Evola fu ripetutamente invitato a parlare su tali argomenti, in ambienti di capi della “SS”, trovando una preparazione e un interessamento maggiori di quelli che incontrò nell'Italia fascista, dove, a parte una mera vernice, si continuò con le routines an inferior kind of intellectuality and tend to "neutral", or bourgeois-fascist.
The articulation of the "SS" is more or less known. There was the "Secret State Police (Gestapo) as a control body superordinate political authority or to any particular person, in a special appearance, she had the figure of SD (initials of" security service ").
There were also the formations of the "dead head" and, finally, the Waffen SS, purely military formations, divisions choices that were able to impose the admiration of the same opponents.
But, overall it covers the years pre-war, the fundamental character of the "SS" was that of an "Order", a new nobility of racial politics, and morally - nell'accennato field of vision of the world "- even spiritually selected, who wanted to be the backbone of new state anti-Marxist and anti-democratic, controlling and holding him with a kind of tissue capillary L'Ordensstaatsgedanke, cioè l'ideale di uno Stato retto non da un “partito” e ancor meno da politicanti democratici o dagli esponenti marxisti del lavoro, ma da un “Ordine”, stava dunque alla base della “SS”, facendo di essa un tentativo audace, il cui significato, a parer nostro, non è limitato all'ultima storia tedesca e ai quadri dell'hitlerismo.
Julius Evola.
Il Barone Julius Evola (pseudonimo di Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola) (Roma, 19 maggio 1898 – Roma, 11 giugno 1974) è stato un filosofo, pittore e poeta italiano.
Le sue posizioni, vicine al fascismo e al nazionalsocialismo, si espressero in una critica in chiave tradizionalista.
Mussolini ne apprezzò alcune impostazioni (in particolare il ritorno alla romanità e una teoria della razza in chiave spirituale), anche se nel panorama culturale del fascismo non ebbe apparentemente un ruolo determinante. C'è tuttavia chi ritiene che in sede diplomatica Evola abbia svolto missioni ad altissimi livelli per conto dello stesso governo italiano.
Nel 1937 pubblica Il Mito del Sangue (poi riedito nel 1942) dove ricostruisce le concezioni sulla razza nelle civiltà ancient theories of the eighteenth century, as opposed to the modern version of biological racism in Germany.
followed in 1941 Summary of the Doctrine of the race.
In these texts he expressed his anti-Semitic views, not based on biological racism (the Jews could not be considered according to Evola in fact a race to the mixing occurring during the story), but spiritual. He opposes
at traditional "Jews" and "Aryans" (from "Arya", the ancient Indians) in the name of a difference in spirit.
In those years he wrote the preface to the Italian edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
declares that no matter the unreliability storica dell'opuscolo visto che comunque lo stesso racconta una veridicità secondo lui attendibile sugli effetti ebraici di controllo della società (banche, stampa, mercato, politica) attraverso la dissoluzione culturale dall'interno. L'ebraismo è per Evola una colpa senza redenzione: «nemmeno il battesimo e la crocefissione cambia la natura ebraica».
Benché non ve sia traccia nella biografia dell'autore, il saggista Franco Cuomo scrive che Evola, nel 1938, è tra i firmatari del così detto Manifesto della razza.
Evola è propugnatore del "tradizionalismo" ovvero di un modello ideale e sovratemporale company featured in a spiritual sense, aristocratic and hierarchical.
According to the author this model can be seen from a historical point of view, in which the Egyptian civilization, Roman, Indian.
These civilizations are not based on economic criteria, and biological materials, but are divided and managed on the basis of the social hierarchy of hereditary and spiritual.
man has the ability to rise to the divine sphere and metaphysics through precise roads (the ritual and initiation), using certain tools (action and contemplation) within pre-determined social contexts (the caste, the empire).
Evola totally rejects the concept of egalitarianism in favor of a differentiated view of human nature.
It follows a refusal for democracy (understood as an instrument of mass) and also for all forms of totalitarianism, which is also considered a tool of mass that is based not on a spiritual authority, but only on authority type storm.
Similarly, the natural differences among human beings are also reflected in the same races.
Evola reject a racist vision of life in a biological sense, arguing his theory of the so-called spiritual racism. The "inner race" described by the philosopher is defined as a wealth of trends and attitudes of environmental influences-a-second or less come to manifest itself fully.
Belonging to a race is detected, therefore, on the basis of spiritual characteristics, and only after the physical, the latter eventually becoming the visible sign.
Part of thought evolved can be expressed by the conservative revolution, especially with regard to the dislike of the liberal-capitalist system.
soon disillusioned with Communism, he joined the Socialist Movimiento Nacional de Chile (MNS), a Chilean Nazi Party (headed by Jorge González von Marees). In July 1939 he publicly associated with MNS (then named Vanguardia Popular Socialist - Socialist People's Front), writing for the newspaper Trabajo ("Work").
Her books are inspired largely by the doctrine of Esoteric Hitlerism, which he founded. Serrano's philosophy is influenced by a certain anti-modernist neo-gnosticism, but also on Tantrism and Wotan (in the sense Odin).
In this context, the Hyperborean Aryans are descendants of the man-god, the Divyas.
Serrano postulates a global conspiracy that will see them opposed to the dark forces of Kali-Yuga, commanded by the god of the Jews: the Demiurge, or Yahweh ', creator of the material.
Serrano summarizes the esoteric tradition and those of northern India, both of which are considered to be of Aryan-Hyperborean provenance.
In particular, he elaborates, the extreme, the theory of Aryan Jungian collective unconscious, and how the Hindu Savitri Devi in \u200b\u200brecognizing Adolf Hitler an avatar that is opposed to the satanic enemy of the materialistic-Kali-Yuga.
ANCIENT CIVILIZATION ', pagan religion, Mystery Schools, SOCIETA' SECRET MASONIC, ILLUMINATI, THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE SNAKE, ancient gods', Alien UFO, and more.
The Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaft) was a secret society of the far right and constituted the original core of the Nazi Party , Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP).
The Thule Society was founded in 1910 by Felix Niedner, who translated the book into German Old Norse Eddas. The company was also influenced by the writings of Lanz von Liebenfels, a mixture of theosophy, Runic.
The Thule Society was moved to August 18, 1918 in Monaco, on the initiative of Rudolf Glauer, which later gave its name to Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff, head of the Bavarian branch of the Order Germanen.
The Thule was the same, at least initially, being a member of Monaco Germanen Order.
Thule Society is closely linked to a German secret society, the Order of Teutons, founded in 1912.
Thule drew liberally from the theories of Professor Karl Haushofer's geopolitics, strong supporter of the return of the great expansion to the east and Germany in order to build a solid "living space" which would in turn ensured the domination of the world, from the teachings of a strange Monaco Cistercian away from the Church, Adolf Lanz von Liebenfels, founder of the 'Order of New Templars ", a kind of sect that preached the existence of a superior race formed by the Aryans, which were considered demigods with the task of freeing the world by the Jews.
Thule is also very inspired to Tibetan Buddhism distorting the content and also to the esoteric teachings of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the famous medium and occultist, founder of the Theosophical Society International, which claimed to be telepathic contact with the ancient "Masters unknown," the survivors of a chosen race, which would have lived between Tibet and Nepal, which would be refugees following a dreadful catastrophe in the bowels of the earth, where they founded an extraordinary subterranean civilization, the legendary Agarthi.
The members of Thule sought, through telepathy, and through specific occult rituals, which usually take place in the woods and near streams, to come into contact with this kind of supermen, in order to restore the master race.
The ideological legacy of the Thule Society was taken up by the German National Socialist Party (NSDAP).
Adolf Hitler and his movement forged their thinking and began their climb in the shadow of controversial figures like Glauer and Eckart.
Hitler to the Thule Society was started in 1919 by Dietrich Eckart, who at that time was its leader.
Hitler later dedicated Mein Kampf to Eckart. There is no evidence about the fact that Hitler took part in meetings of the Thule, after initiation.
In 1920, Hitler became the guidance of the National Socialist Party.
The Thule Society was among the first organizations suppressed by Hitler after his rise to potere, insieme ad altre società esoteriche, inviando diversi suoi membri nei campi di concentramento, mentre altri diventarono gerarchi del regime nazista. NAZISMO - LA COSPIRAZIONE OCCULTA
“Ben lungi dall’essere una personalità completamente oscura, il Führer ha sempre avuto una sorta di seconda faccia quasi femminile, con interessi romantici e vagamente decadenti. (…) In modo perfettamente coerente con questo tipo di character, a very young age he cultivated a strong interest in a somewhat esoteric 'á la page, Frequently Asked prototeosofiche attention to legends and full of mystery as that of the spear of Longinus.
This short excerpt from the book of Prof. Dolcetta, journalist (he worked for various newspapers Rai newspaper) and student of History and Political Science, who is professor of political philosophy at the EHESS in Paris, brings out clearly the central content of the essay:
esoteric soul that has fueled Hitler's political vision. Little known, especially to the general public, but this influence has had a great hold on the entire set of pan-German Führer to the point to say that is not so much to be found in his "madness" the action of political and military expansion, as in a clear vision "messianic" daughter of a theosophical esotericism, which in those years had been fed and had swollen in Germanic and British organizations.
Dolcetta traces the various stages that led to the birth of the esoteric nucleus on the basis of which National Socialism was forged, not forgetting to show how these beliefs have had fans as characters which are very far from Nazism.
is as if the thread of a vision "racist" - an elite call for divine task, to lead the masses - was also cuts across political parties distant from each other, and that have made the vision of magical-esoteric existence tool interpretation of reality nel suo complesso.
Nel caso specifico, riferisce l’Autore, sulle letture mitologiche precristiane del periodo viennese – forgiate in base a una visione paganeggiante e di stampo wagneriano – s’innestano per Adolf Hitler gli insegnamenti avuti durante il periodo della detenzione, dopo il putsch fallito di Monaco, da due maestri d’eccezione: Rudolf Hess e Karl Hausofer.
Durante le lunghe serate a Landsberg, Hess e Hausofer cercarono di convincere Hitler dell’importanza dei pensieri magici, della realtà pratica e misteriosa del Vril (energia associabile in qualche modo allo Spirito Santo), della necessità di sviluppare occult philosophy developed during the meetings of the Thule (secret society which included the two teachers who had joined Hitler and the Führer).
The SCHUTZ Staffeln ("Protection Team" or "Department of Defense," often abbreviated as SS) were the elite paramilitary unit of the German Nazi Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP).
were recruiting members of the SA formed in 1925 to be the bodyguard of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party to monitor the gatherings. On January 6, 1929, Hitler appointed Heinrich Himmler as head of the SS, which had only 280 men. With the approval of Hitler, Himmler expanded the ranks of the SS and by the end of 1932queste counted already 52,000 members.
After only one year had come to more than 209,000 men.
Before 1932 the SS wore the same uniform as the SA, except for a black tie and a black cap with a skull-shaped symbol (Totenkopf, "death's head").
subsequently adopted a uniform black, just before the war, a gray. The people admired the discipline of the German SS, especially when compared to SA which sometimes indulges in acts of random violence.
Their motto was "My honor is called loyalty" (in German: "Meine Ehre heißt Treue"). The SS rank system was unique in that it is not copied the terms used in the Wehrmacht.
Heinrich Himmler, with his right arm Reinhard Heydrich, consolidated the power of the organization.
In 1931, Himmler gave Heydrich the assignment to establish an intelligence service inside the SS, the Sicherheitsdienst (SD).
At the beginning of World War II the number of members rose to 250,000 and the Waffen-SS was formed in December 1940 to fight alongside the Wehrmacht, the regular German army. The SS also received control of the Gestapo in 1936.
Le SS si evolsero durante la seconda guerra mondiale in una forza altamente efficace e letale, macchiandosi di innumerevoli crimini di guerra a danno della popolazione civile dei paesi occupati.
Al loro culmine, il nome e la reputazione per una violenza efficiente e terrificante, erano sufficienti a infondere paura nel cuore di chiunque.
Hitler diede alle SS giurisdizione su tutti i campi di concentramento e permise loro di supervisionare il controllo quotidiano di tutte le nazioni conquistate dalla Germania durante la guerra.
Verso la fine della seconda guerra mondiale, un gruppo di ex-ufficiali delle SS si rifugiò in Argentina e mise in up a network of fugitive Nazi code-named ODESSA.
Staffeln SCHUTZ - THE SS
"Il mio onore si chiama fedeltà"
("Meine Ehre heißt Treue").
Ufficialmente il Nazismo si proclamava al di sopra delle confessioni religiose, ma Hitler e gli altri Nazi leaders made use of symbolism and emotion in the Christian Publicity in the German public (mostly Christian). The relationship between Nazism and Christianity can only be described as complex and controversial.
Hitler advocated a form of "positive Christianity," in which Jesus Christ was an Aryan, had rejected the traditional dogma, the church was accused of having manipulated the ancient Gnostic Christianity for reasons of power and, similar to the old one Marcionites repudiated the Old Testament.
Some Christian writers have tried typified Hitler as an atheist or occultist (or even a Satanist), whereas others have emphasized the explicit use Christian speech by the Nazi party, no matter what its internal mythology.
The existence of a Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs, established in 1935 and headed by Hanns Kerrl, was hardly recognized by ideologists such as Alfred Rosenberg, who advocated a return to religion Germanic confused, as well as the commander in chief (Reichsführer ) of the German SS and police chief Heinrich Himmler. The reports of the Nazi party with the Catholic Church are discussed. Many priests and Catholic leaders openly opposed the Nazis on the basis of incompatibility with Christian morals.
The Catholic hierarchy condemned the theoretical foundation of Nazism with brennender the encyclical Mit Sorge (1937) of Pope Pius XI.
As with many political opponents, many priests were sentenced to concentration camps for their positions.
The behavior of the German Catholic Church and Pope Pius XII are currently the subject of historiographical controversy.
was contrary to the pro-Nazi Bishop Alois Hudal, who sought a compromise between church and regime.
LINK THAT THERE WAS BETWEEN THE NAZIS, THE SPIRIT, THE esoteric studies and the occult?
Grazie a un possente ed efficace programma di ristrutturazione economica e riarmo militare, Hitler perseguì una politica estera estremamente aggressiva, volta ad espandere il Lebensraum (spazio vitale) tedesco a spese delle popolazioni dell'Europa orientale.
"The masses are easily dazzled by a big lie that a little. "
(Adolf Hitler)
" Either you are Christian or a German. Being both at the same time is impossible. "
(Adolf Hitler)
An ancient legend tells :
Thousands of years ago, the gods descended to Earth from the stars to initiate a genesis.
Human civilization was formed and reached its peak in Atlantis.
Un periodo oscuro diede inizio alla battaglia di ATLANTIDE e gli DEI iniziarono la sua caduta.
Una confraternita segreta portò gli insegnamenti OCCULTI di Atlantide in Egitto.
Attraverso tutte le civiltà e con l'ispirazione dei GUARDIANI EXTRATERRESTRI,
LA CONFRATERNITA SEGRETA DI ATLANTIDE gestì tutti i sistemi politici con una missione educativa occulta.
Nel primo documentario si raccontano i misteri delle attività segrete di una confraternità che ebbe relazioni con I MAESTRI INVISIBILI di SHAMBHALA e AGHARTA e che nascose il segreto the Hollow Earth, giving rise to the COMPANY 'Madame Blavatsky, theosophy and the modern New Age.
But what hides it so attractive to the second part??
Nei tempi moderni la MASSONERIA, TEMPLARI e confraternite degli ILLUMINATI si sono unite per uno scopo oscuro ben preciso.
Dopo la prima guerra mondiale emersero da queste dottrine occulte, alcune società segrete come la THULE, che diede origine al NAZISMO ESOTERICO.
Da queste sette occulte HITLER salì al potere.
Questa documentazione emozionante mostra per la prima volta lo sfondo del Terzo Reich e il suo intelletto che ha portato alla catastrophe of World War II ...
Wladimir Tarzisky, Prof. Hurtak, Virgil Armstrong, Wendell Stevens etc.
ca. 84 minutes
Double click the VIDEO to get into Youtube.
Activate Italian subtitles (CC).
VIDEO SOURCE: YouTube user "11MauricioPrado11 / moksha75ar2"
SOURCE: arcangeliedemoni.blogspot.com /
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