CAFONAL PUNTARELLE AWAY IN MILAN / from Ioannina Flavio, Eli, and eggs in jail Emilietta Attovagliati dinner by chef Siccardi: Alba truffles , and zabaglione tajarin |
Flavio Briatore e la sua porzione di tajarin |
Siamo stati a cena con Flavio Briatore. Non chiedeteci perché, non chiedeteci come, non chiedeteci quando - anzi, quando sì, ce lo potete chiedere tanto otterrete come risposta un vaghissimo “l’altra sera” – fatto sta che siamo stati a cena con Flavio Briatore. “Da” Flavio Briatore, nel senso che era lui il padrone di casa, l’altra sera. E dobbiamo dirlo, il caro vecchio Flavio sa come si trattano gli ospiti, sa cosa vuol dire mangiare e bere bene e, insomma, ha un’idea abbastanza nitida del concetto "quality of life."
The official reason the dinner was "there is no official reason, I was glad to have some 'friends at dinner." Those two were real. Do some 'friends of journalists with pierre (Formula 1, in particular: Is he the former boss of Renault, former manager of Webber and Alonso, has in mind a sensational return?). And do a little 'casino with Italian friends of long standing, Emilio Fede (with attached Raffaella Zardo) and Adriano Galliani at all, and Massimiliano Allegri in a bright white shirt playboy. Between the meshes of these two categories, some 'embedded and a little' posted, as a clove of garlic in un'amatriciana, chicory we were there, as always beautiful and ready to tell the menu, charms and other deviations. Anyway, as usual in our home.
Fulvio Siccardi work |
In summary, more than a Christmas dinner was a sort of "Big Night" (remember the movie?), Version Billionaire though. In a clump of fresh orchids and a plateau of ornamental glass balls, the soft underbelly of the mythical Giannino (now a restaurant disguised as a branch of Milan), the evening built around three axes themes: a) the beauty of Elisabetta Gregoraci that lit up the scene with his inimitable selenium and monumental beauty of a siege than a, b) the powerful aroma of truffles of Alba (six in all, they too monumental, pound each, we estimated by eye) that had been made by Flavio arrive in person, the same morning, the trustworthy Tartufingros c) the class of an award-winning chef (Michelin star a couple of reasonable) the likes of
Fulvio Siccardi . In a word, a genius. Just as it was quickly realized, as early as the presentation appetizer, chopped meat with quail egg and a carpaccio with leaf lettuce, a strategically placed to the other side, ready to receive the storm sliced \u200b\u200btruffles. A plate light on the whole, balanced unthinkable, who managed to distract even the enthusiastic coach Allegri, happily attovagliato between Elizabeth and her charming friend.
Ovetto quail and valerian |
Brushed appetizer, the Milan coach wanted to regain strength and possibly return to the care of his guests, but that the devil Siccardi once wanted to put the record straight: and so sent to the table what must be his secret weapon, the type of hammer drilling Jeeg Robot: a devilish called "egg into jail." A dish that some time ago, the chef presented at the Four Seasons Bangkok, causing a sort of earthquake in sensory international critics. Put like this, to understand, this is a kind of silicone bag (heat resistant) containing a light cream cheese and an egg, all cooked for about forty minutes at least. Once opened, the bag contained a reveals Olympic warm, almost celestial, a roundness absolutely ready to be brought to philosophical elevations usually by the addition of fresh truffles.
that Briatore's words at that moment was joking with the "Emiliuccio" ("I do not know who there is in other rooms Giannino, but he is still ready for a possible second round") were already covered by the moans of pleasure from journalists, and so the landlord to retrieve the focus has been forced to intercept the thoughts of the audience and talk about the next dish: "I tajarin, 40 pounds of red egg pasta - exaggerates the Flavio - Li rolled, cut them by hand and are always al dente ". Impeccable service in the necessary dish tightly.
The egg into jail |
A quel punto, saranno stati i cristalli e le orchidee, sarà stata l’aria ormai satura di tartufo, sarà stato il barbaresco travestito da nebbiolo (Gaja) che ormai aveva riempito ogni angolo della sala, ma la conversazione si è fatta più fluida, disinvolta, con Briatore a parlare di Pompei e di Bersani, con Galliani a denunciare bonariamente gli odiosi conflitti di interessi di un amico (tranquilli, solo quelli dell’ex Milan, Albertini) e infine con Fede a dire qualcosa di non molto chiaro sui Cugini di Campagna e sulla musica italiana vintage in generale. Argomento che alla fine ha preso il sopravvento, quando Galliani – che da Giannino è di casa – ha fatto mettere a tutto volume “Se mi lasci non vale”.
Sulle note del divo Julio sono stati serviti gli ultimi due piatti della serata, una fonduta al tartufo e un gelato di zabaglione sempre, ovviamente, con tartufo. Anche se, qui, ahimé, molte delle donne presenti hanno passato la mano. Troppo forte il contrasto (invero eccezionale), troppo inusuale. Tra queste anche Elisabetta alla quale, però, qualunque essere umano sarebbe disposto a perdonare ben altro.
E noi di Puntarella certo non difettiamo in umanità.
Elisabetta Gregoraci, a sinistra, osserva perplessa la scena |
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