His thinking has an accentuation of infinity divine unknown to earlier Neoplatonism.
The five dialogues of the De la cause, et a principle would establish the principles of natural reality. Bruno leaves aside the issue of God, to whom, as the cause and principle of nature, we can not learn anything through the 'natural light' because it 'ascends over nature "and therefore can only know God" supernatural light, "that is by faith alone. universal form of the world is the soul of the world, whose first and most important option is the universal intellect which "fills the whole, the universe and directs the light to produce their kind nature '
the Pythagoreans called the motor and agitator of the universe, the blacksmith of the Platonic world, just as it forms the subject from the inside, and so is its intrinsic cause, but also causes extrinsic, since it does not end in things. The intellect is the 'formal constitution of the universe and what is contained in one' and the form is simply the vital principle, the spirit of things which, because they all have soul, no imperfection.
The matter is then the second law of nature, from which everything is formed, "as in art, variandosi in infinite forms, is always a matter under the same who perseveres, as the form is a form of dell'Alboro trunk, then the beam, then table, then scabello, and so so on, always perseveres tuttavolta the wood to be, not otherwise in nature, infinite in variandosi ee one after the other forms, it's always the selfsame matter. "
It is "the power of being made, produced and created," looks equivalent to the formal principle that is active, "the power to do, produce, create 'and can not be one without the other principle , so that "all the substance is a second."
It follows from this consideration the fundamental element of Bruno's philosophy: all life is subject, on endless. He wrote that, whether actual or potential, whether it has an extension - that is, both corporeal substance - and that does not reach - and then is substance incorporeal - is still the subject, and "all the difference from the contraction in the Dependent 'body to body and not [...] that matter to be present all that can be, has all the measures, has all sorts of shapes and sizes, and because the ave all, it has none, because what sorts of things that should not be any of those details.
it is fitting to what is all, which excludes every particular. "
De In the infinite universe and worlds Bruno takes topics already addressed in previous dialogues - the need for an agreement between philosophers and theologians, because "faith is required for 'institution of rough people who Denno be governed, "the infinity of the universe and the existence of infinite worlds, the lack of a center in an infinite universe, which leads to another, the disappearance of the old, assumed order hierarchy, the 'fantasy vanissima "who believed in the middle there was the" body denser and large intestine, "and he ascended to the finest bodies and divine.
this does not move locally, because What is not beside himself when he is transported, since it is the whole; not be generated because there is nothing he can derive or expect, given all that has being; is imperishable because it is another thing that was changed, since he is everything, can not diminish or increase, since it is infinite, which can not be added, so is that you can not subtract, to what the infinite is not proportionate share "
(Giordano Bruno, De la cause, principle et a, 1584)
In Sumerian mythology the term Anunnaki (or Anunnaku), that "sons of An" refers to a set of Sumerian gods.
They were made at a meeting, chaired by An, god of the sky. This meeting consisted of the seven supreme, which included the four major makers of (An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag), with the addition of Inanna, Utu and Sin, and 50 children, also called Igigi.
According to Zecharia Sitchin's Annunaki Nibiru would be aliens from a planet in our solar system. According to this view would have an important role in the rapid evolution of human civilization and especially the Sumerian.
Lords of Nibiru, since ancient times, should come down to Earth to exploit the mineral resources of our planet.
At first they were sent automated probes to test the habitability of our world.
When the planet Nibiru arrived at the point of its orbit closest to Earth was sent a first human expedition led by Enlil, a name that occurs frequently in the mythology of the Sumerians.
The sites chosen were the Nile Valley, the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia.
Several criticisms are leveled at Sitchin. Thus, for example, when he elaborated his theory and published the first texts, the Sumerian language was still poorly understood and known only to a few specialists.
Today, however, thanks to some mass publications such as Sumerian Lexicon.
SOURCE: arcangeliedemoni.blogspot.com /
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