Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What Does #12 On The Alabama Helmet Stand For


Experience Travis Walton is undoubtedly one of the best cases with evidence of abduction.

Travis Walton describes her experience of abduction very clearly says word for word to his awakening, the pain he felt when moving the chest and head, mouth and tongue kneaded by a metallic taste, lack of hunger, tells how he found himself in a place like a hospital, but that seemed entirely of smooth metal walls, tells how he's mistaken for aliens with a strange medical masks and orange shirts and white caps.

Travis narrates in detail her struggle durante la fuga con le creature umanoidi e le descrive come spugnose al tatto, alte circa 1.53 centimetri, pelle liscia di colore grigio, dotate di mani piccole, delicate, prive di unghie, piedi molto piccoli, prive di capelli non emettevano suoni e la testa era spropositatamente grande con occhi ovali anch'essi esageratamente grandi di colore marrone scuro, privi di sopracciglia e ciglia e le loro bocche erano sottili e strette, nasi e lobi delle orecchie molto piccoli. BAGLIORI NEL BUIO (IL FILM) TRAMA :
5 novembre 1975
White Mountains, Northeastern Arizona- USA 7 uomini Mike Rogers, Allen Dalis, John Goulette, Dwayne Smith, Kenneth Peterson, Steve Pierce and Travis Walton had been working on a sunny day in Forest Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest.

18 o'clock in the evening is coming to their home, the sun was already down, and while traveling in a truck noticed a strange light in the forest moves in their direction when they approach the mysterious light truck stop not far from the object mysterious and realize that this is a flying saucer that seemed suspended in the air.

Thus began the ordeal suffered by Walton. GRANTED BY VIDEO YOUTUBE - HIDRA2009 BAGLIORI NEL BUIO

alien abduction

SOURCE: arcangeliedemoni.blogspot.com /


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