Saturday, January 8, 2011

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I neo intenditori
Giorgio Manganelli e il Dolcetto del '64

"L’amico versa lentamente, ricolma il bicchiere ma lascia una sottile striscia d’aria all’imboccatura per il bouquet. Vi scruta, vi sfida con occhio torbido e fiero. “Questo”, dice, “è un Dolcetto del ’64”. Ecco, lo avete riconosciuto. E’ un neo intenditore. Con calma, sfidando his challenge, Dolcetto observed that there are not more of that year, and if there would be a mistake to drink it, a mistake that you did not commit in any case. Your tone is polite, quiet and yet infinitely insolent. Since you have behind you the authority of the subject, the wines of Italy, the right wine, Italian wines. Are you also a neointenditore, but more learned and more lucky. But beware: next time, will challenge your neighbor across the Sassella or Biancolella. And bad things could go there ...".

Giorgio Manganelli, "Sunni Almanac orphan", Einaudi, 1973


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