Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Simple Soft Rag Doll Free Pattern

The Reptilian Agenda - David Icke & I Mutwa

David Icke interview the healer, shaman and spiritual leader of millions of Africans, Credo Mutwa.

The Zulu presents for the first time, knowledge, prophecies, dreams and stories of African tradition in a rich and full that winds along the story of his extraordinary life. Nowadays we can find wisdom in the words of African Credo Mutwa, who have the status of a medicine for the soul.

without fear and without half-words, Mutwa speaks to the world of nature, of what some call supernatural contacts with extraterrestrial entities, with a voice that is to all races, all cultures and values Africa today; a voice that echoes the oldest languages \u200b\u200band is pervaded by a sort of celestial laughter.

AGENDA Reptilians Reptilian Agenda - Part 1 A - (SUB ITA) - 1 of 2

Menphis75 Revolutions Reptilian Agenda - Part 1 B - (SUB ITA) - 2 of 2

Menphis75 Revolutions

SPIRIT WORLD è un documentario che espone la gara tra maghi neri per controllare le anime del genere umano.

In questo film venongo menzionati gli OCCULTI piani di:

Nostradamus, Eliphas Levi, heinrich Himmler, Joseph Smith della Chiesa Mormone e il satanista e maestro massone Aleister Crowley.

Chris Everard spiega in questo lavoro come gli antichi testi magici sono stati utilizzati per contattare gli ESSERI di altri mondi!

NOTA: Spirit world è il lavoro precedente a SPIRIT WORLD II - LA CABALA ALIENA - The Alien Kabbalah

Traduzione e sottotitoli: moksha75ar




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