Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Purple Stain From Hair On Sheets

In New Work (This Is not Make You Feel Brand New, Yo!)

When you take a piece of others and put it in a mixtape kill the piece, not the artist. That if you are not under the Influence. In the world of JJ instead everything overlaps and the mixtape is a tape recorder running during a drinking bout in which a Swedish memories of when you were younger that was a film in which to escape the Swedish province on ' innoallacapitaledelmondo and is no longer the only piece chain hiphop indie reverberated on the robot and Mike Oldfield seems more of Kanyewest Kanyewest . Can we get much higher, Than the stars? No, Kanye West can not be album of the year, why not drive this is the year, a record that does not sell, serve, dance, echoes and poor and rich as all the vomiting that is uploaded on SoundCloud every second.

speeches interspersed with pieces of songs reminds me of Red Ronnie, but he translated.


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