Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Vietnamese Dub English Sub Movie

Little Fluffy Clouds

Small and customs listening: I left for months listening to Hype Machine in favor of the scriteriatezza Soundcloud. Sketches, multiple worlds, and sometimes just a preview of the "big". In the end, however, we just fell in love with another, of the patchinko Paruko , which defines an employee with many hobbies and not an artist, the name of Taragana Pyjarama , which specifies to be Danish, or instantly △ OOШ of Шike Ƀ ongiorno's Ͼ orpse . The lack of need of new music releases in recent years and the age of MySpace fleeting by comparison will seem like nothing and it will be wonderful for the next two months.

PS: Then of course there Small labels are also commendable, the exclusive that will not be published and we can probably also hear new songs of the Flaming Lips without eating caramellone. But you would like to read the comments of dozens of Peruvians who suddenly decide to comment on the mass to design your next-door neighbor?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Do You Call A Clock Necklace

acrobats balanced on the weekend (a weekend Italian)

There's a full house at the supermarket on Friday. One of the owners of Numbers, evening / English label that keeps tabs on and which is dedicated to the appointment, doth took an enjoyable ordered a joke ( Freek Mutha the OAR0003B) Hudson Mohawke while the young man dozing on the bench interlocking the legs restrostante with the girl accompanying him - it seems Hudson is not fat and he put his left nerdone in favor of his celebrity status in the undergrowth. What has not abandoned are tastieroni / rhythms zig zag / hiphop Cantatonia that make his ass run in the world that just before the end of the curve is straightened by a tempting techno, now polished with the closure of Fuse.

Needless to say though that I, like many, are not in place that the legend Lory D (symptoms of old age incipient? a mythological figure of your youth is taken for a walk to Baldelli was a young English girl as any). Set starts with the rubber disc with a sway bar from glorious. I do not know whether it is time that softens and transforms the look of dark shamanic disturbing industrial peace by working men's club, but the crowd seemed always there in the looks and smiles to the limit and in sfaciolamenti Rephlex the beat from which a (time to pret) End than ever in any indie-dancefloor was so sinister, it was never passed. From this the selected ambient techno that becomes suddenly and with surprising speed is halved. Beautiful beyond any logic. I have just the four and cursed the room the lights (they sell fewer drinks raising prices, right?) but the fury remained forty you can shell out an additional half hour of gumminess and beatdestroy. It's a pity that despite the good plant has crushed all in a single that is the scourge of the Italian clubs.

Space On Saturday 211 people gathers quietly and without cluttering the space (for the record here and you reduce the size of the average glass of beer, it must be some kind of campaign to the City of Turin people lose weight in the summer season). The Crimea X, or Jukka Reverberi (bass, vocals, knobs, buttons) and Dj Rocca (knobs, keys, flute), attack with Liubov is distended as a live DJ sets interspersed by a drone which floats and does not feel the need to applaud almost (if not obviously at the end). Joy in every trip ping pong delay and psicodivagazioni than the arpeggios. The last piece, the remix of moroder Time For Shopping , is a wink to those who organized the evening and, unfortunately, nothing is more and more as a guide here.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Skates Does Ovechkin Wear

Lines that tend to infinity (reconciled)

will be that old age is a bit 'as the infinite. I love
The king of limbs .
had time to talk about it.

(Edit: corrected the error after nearly a day (Freudian?) Of html that had transformed this into a tremendous emphasis negligible emo post)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Should I Wear Tommorow

conversations with Anonymous # 11

Anonimo Smorto: Partiamo da uno sbrodolamento egoistico: avevo detto che l'Udinese non era finita, infatti ha vinto 7 a 0 a Palermo; avevo detto Inter-Bayern 2 fisso, infatti abbiamo perso; avevo detto che il Napoli prendeva 3 gol a Milano e così è stato. Quanto ti pesa avere un oracolo che non sbaglia mai come interlocutore?
Volpe: Non mi pesa per niente. Bravo bravo e bravo, anche se Inter - Bayern è la più casuale delle tre indovinate.

E' vero, poteva finire 4 a 4, ma io puntavo esattamente su ciò che si è verificato. Un Bayern in forma, l'Inter stanca e con qualche problema di formazione, che per vincere deve sempre fare at least two goals. A goal would take him for sure and it did. In any case it was a great game full of chances, but Van Gaal complimented for Inter as he played. Meanwhile, the Roma win at Bologna, then drew with Parma, in spite of everything you have gained respect for those around you.
Inter have a good chance, in my opinion. More than Milan and Rome for sure. Leonardo And despite my skepticism about the "traitors" I am always more sympathetic. The Rome I talk too much, continue to take one thousand goals, I can not believe that it can recover much. And they are concerned about the level of the Italian Champions next year.

Ti scares the UEFA coefficients?
What terrifies me, but I fear the thought of having two of Napoli, Udinese and Lazio in the Champions League. It will be a massacre.

Udinese could be a problem because it will sell at year end, the way he would play in my fruit in Europe. Napoli and Lazio would have done that in the end Europe League. About Champion's've heard that Barcelona has complained of arbitrage Rizzoli? They claim to be a friend of Mourinho. But what they are yet to rosicare for the past year?
Barcelona is beyond description. Moreover English teams should begin to think that having a championship so ridiculous is a huge obstacle to their success. Practically the first round of Champions did not miss a game serious, if not the direct challenge against the rival. This is also a problem that is widening further. And the success of the national team can not hide this fact for a long time.

Perhaps even more ridiculous, given that Barcelona is almost a perfect score. A league can have more fun?
The English league is the only serious that there is in Europe right now. And that too well ... O wins or near Manchester, and then the game is really convoluted tactically, as say Ancelotti. They run a hundred miles an hour, probably pumped full of drugs, and do not know how to beat a free kick. We are in a very dark time for football. The French league is simply mediocre, German swinging too often a team gill the right year and has already won half a season like this year, the Borussia Dortmund I think. But then the European football is saddened.

E 'come obscurantism! You just need to figure out who is the Emperor ... Who's your opinion?

Too fat! Please try again.

Oh my god, it could be! The dark side runs strong in his veins! So after Moggi, we know who is corrupting the game. Do you have any solution? just to get rid of him?
rid of him should not be difficult, honestly, with the various contractual arrangements. The problem is that the sport of football, or the fact that for economic, political prestige and no one makes the war on drugs as it should. The English affair is exemplary in this regard.

Back in Italy, something interesting to say this weekend you found? I do not know, Guidolin which was also laughing my ass for the mallet Palermo. But keeping us all to say that the team, the coach and the square are fantastic ... in short, is only the president un coglione.
Ahahahahahah, non penso intendesse quello. Spunti interessanti non saprei. Forse il fatto che le bandiere ormai si trovino in giocatori abbandonati dalle grandi squadre, che forse avrebbero potuto farne dei campioni, e che si sono ritrovati in provincia. Penso, oltre a Di Natale, a Di Vaio, per esempio.

Allora finiamo con il commento iniziale del giornalista di Sky per Juventus-Bologna. La Juve vince con l'Inter e poi perde contro il Lecce, adesso arriva il Bologna e bisogna capire quale Juve è quella vera. Direi quella che perde due a zero! Come a Guidolin a me ride il culo e a te?
Ahahahahahaha anche a me... Siamo soddisfatti per oggi o vuoi fare un'altra domanda?

you think when you win a zero outside the home, having missed the penalty of two to zero, we can say that the game is distorted?
No. Who said this idiocy and on what occasion?

A manager of a prestigious team of Promotion, calculates that starts with Real ... obviously to draw the home team, the game was no longer distorted, but the championship.
Ahahhhahahhaha but it happened to you?

I can not tell!

Anyway, there was the penalty for Milan. Ciauuuu!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Firm My Dog's Stool

drivers of trucks

Yesterday I was at the restaurant "Bella Paris", a half dive but it has its charms, eating chicken before we see a couple of Italian friends at the pub. The place is held by a Frenchman who recognized me as an Italian copy of "The Express" which I read during dinner. While I eat and read, a sbronzone sixty (or perhaps fifteen years younger, but very badly worn), I tapped on her arm and said: "You're not Norwegian."
"Hmm, Italian."
"I went to Italy many times in the truck. Sicilia, Palermo. Aaaah."
"Oh, I understand."
"Where are you from?"
"Ah, Roma. Sicilia, Palermo."
moment of silence, smiling at me, I replied with a smile in return. A little 'uncertain.
'E' good food? "
"Good. Take care! "
And then goes to the bathroom.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Waxing Strips Already Made Ok For Genitals?

conversations with an anonymous # 10

Volpe: Ok dear Anonymous, since we missed a week I have the advantage of not having to answer questions about Rome. However, the collapse of the former Crazy -Ranieri's team is certainly the most interesting news of the moment (or at least one of my personal obsession). I must say that I can not understand much. You did you get that idea about it?
dull Anonymous: What in the there are dressing these clutches, and in the field end up having these moments of total blackout. Then having the game yesterday, I would say that it is not così assurdo come risultato. Il Genoa ha sempre attaccato e creato occasioni, essendo in casa con una tifoseria molto calda, il gol li ha sbloccati e voi vi siete fatti travolgere.

Non saprei proprio cosa dire. Anche con lo Shaktar la Roma ha giocato se non bene comunque all'attacco per 80 minuti, creando anche parecchie occasioni. Sembra che dopo la partita sospesa di Bologna siano usciti fuori di testa del tutto. Da una situazione eccellente e un terzo posto, siamo usciti con 1 punto e 4 sconfitte di fila di cui una quasi irrecuperabile per la Champions.
E' irrecuperabile con questa testa e con allenatore Montella. In assoluto sarebbe più che recuperabile secondo me. Diciamolo l'effetto peggiore della sconfitta Yesterday's was the arrival of Montella. My brother shakes and understand well. Also known as a commentator who has a great character. Arrives in the dressing room and eat it, or tell you pretend to make changes, we think about ourselves and especially the Pupone.

Oh yes it is very possible. Now I do not know what to think, I just hope end up decently. E 'replication Spalletti two years ago, anyway. Last year, Ranieri was able to hold the group, this year you see that you have mounted the head or someone who wants to leave or who do not trust the next society. Probably all three things, in varying degrees for individual players.
issues and corporate contracts are expiring surely another variable. We must also say that the Rome loves to follow the two years. A very good year, bad year, a year almost perfect compromise a year now.

OK, enough talk of Rome. Let's talk about something else, or I am being evil. For example, we talk about Inter. As you can see the situation?
I see it as before. A team so he can not win the championship, but can do great races and make a spectacle. I repeat what I said for months, only Milan can lose the championship. I hope to me, but I do not believe, especially without the two central defensive so much security they gave last year.

This Naples continues to amaze? Mazzarri me is more annoying, however.
Yesterday, Naples has shown its limits. He can win because it is a solid team that knows what to do. They have a great enthusiasm and I think whatever the outcome will be celebrating. The problem is that they remain a bracket that when the ball between your feet do not know what to do. Against Catania at home have suffered so much. In my opinion, will go to San Siro against AC Milan and will take another three or four goals as against Inter.

We'll see if the prophecy is fulfilled. Even I do not like them or against Catania or against Villareal. Ugly championship this year. Everything is more or less the same. Assuming that the first three places are already allocated, those who see favorite for fourth place? Lazio held? E 'already finished the golden moment of Udinese, or is it just a physiological event?
Lazio do not know if you will. It 's another solid and unspectacular team with a big drawback: much depends on Hernanes. If he does not turn, become its sad to see. Udinese could not win them all, say it's over the moment it seems to me soon, because in the last nine races have six wins and three draws.
The important thing is that Juve do not rise again and this weighs in our game a week ago, where we did everything. Luckily they wanted to galvanize, decided to return to their lowest level.

You're cruel. A prediction on Inter Bayern dry and then close.
2 drive!

superstitious. Well, it's all for today, hoping the next red and yellow in the resurrection (see, right).

Monday, February 21, 2011

Make Up With Ivory Prom Dress


An ancient legend tells:

Thousands of years ago, the gods descended to Earth from the stars to initiate a genesis.

Human civilization was formed and reached its peak in Atlantis.

A dark period began at the Battle of Atlantis and the FOR began its fall.

A secret brotherhood brought the occult teachings of Atlantis in Egypt.

Through all civilizations and with inspiration the Guardian ETs,
THE SECRET BROTHERHOOD OF ATLANTIS he managed all political systems with an educational mission occult.

In the first documentary to tell you the mysteries of the secret activities of a fraternity that had relations with the masters of Shambhala and Agharta INVISIBLE and hid the secret of the Hollow Earth, giving rise to the COMPANY 'Madame Blavatsky, theosophy and the modern New Age.

But what hides it so attractive to the second part??


Following the catastrophe in Atlantis all nations were dispersed.

Part of the secret brotherhood of Atlantis moved to Egypt, India and Tibet.

The heirs of these secret brotherhoods led mankind DARK ERA, submitting to the service of a select few.

In modern times the Freemasons, Templars and Illuminati brotherhoods have combined to obscure a very specific purpose.

After the First World War emerged from these occult doctrines, some secret societies like the Thule, who gave origine al NAZISMO ESOTERICO.

Da queste sette occulte HITLER salì al potere.

Questa documentazione emozionante mostra per la prima volta lo sfondo del Terzo Reich e il suo intelletto che ha portato alla catastrofe della seconda guerra mondiale ...


Wladimir Tarzisky, Prof. Hurtak, Virgil Armstrong, Wendell Stevens ecc

ca. 84 minuti

FONTE: http://www.legend-of-atlantis.com/atlantis.htm

FONTE VIDEO: utente YouTube "11MauricioPrado11 / moksha75ar2"

‎(per visualizzare i SOTTOTITOLI in ITALIANO premere su CC nella casella VIDEO dopo aver avviato con PLAY)



SOURCE: arcangeliedemoni.blogspot.com /

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Answers To Laboratory 6. Molecular Biology

E' nato!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Back Leg Paralysis In Dog And Treatment


It 's a term I'm tired.


is said by someone who was born tired and weary lives, it means something.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dragonball Doujinshi Blaze Watch

David Icke - BEYOND THE CUTTING EDGE 2 (Part Reptilian)

David Icke (Leicester, 29 April 1952) is a British writer, including the best known authors on the conspiracy theory that considers the so-called Illuminati looking for ways to gain total control over the world.

Icke since the nineties advocated his theory that the world would be dominated by a limited number of "elected," the Illuminati ", linked to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, published in booklet form in 1905.

Icke mentions in his works, notably the World War I and World War II, the Holocaust, the Oklahoma City bombing, the bombing of PanAm Flight 103, the conflict in Bosnia, and the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 as examples of events caused by the "secret government".

They were even to theorize control and resposabilià by it on most of the negative events of the last two centuries.


This is one of the last conference held in the David Icke Brixton Academy in 2008

(to see subtitles ITALIAN CC press box after starting with PLAY VIDEO)

Second part of the conference held by David Icke the Brixton Academy in 2008.

PART TWO (the Reptilian)

"the great dragon, that ancient serpent, he who is' called Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world , was hurled ON EARTH WITH HIM his angels were cast down. "
(Revelation 12:9)

SOURCE: arcangeliedemoni.blogspot.com /

You will also find the first missing part

Sunday, February 13, 2011

1997 Honda Prelude Tune Up Parts

Primavera Sound For The Rich And The Famous

Now that we have completed the paperwork for the rental of a residence with private pool and Jacuzzi, we can now inform you that we are ready to snub Sophia Stevens in favor of Suicide or Gold Panda, the great moments of revival 90/00 and greet the sun of the seven in the morning waving with the landlord.

Shit Robot - Take Em Up (John's Talabot BlancoyNegroMix) by John Talabot

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Make Converse Taller

communication service

Italian My phone has not been used and will be until at least Saturday, February 12.
Contact me on the Norwegian, the number I will give e-mail you can ask ossennò a qualcuno che conoscete che potrebbe averlo.

Brazilian Wax Irritation Help

Conversations with a # 9 Anonymous

Volpe: Caro Anonimo, perdona il ritardo. Oggi tocca a te fare le domande. Infierisci pure.
Anonimo Smorto: Hai visto il sito di Sora Cesira ?
Questa domanda mi sorprende assai. Non me l'aspettavo. E non ho idea di cosa tu stia parlando.

Sora Cesira è quella di Arcore's nights. Ha un suo blog, di quelle canzoni ne ha fatte diverse. Sono molto divertenti, compresi i brani scritti. Direi che tu non hai visto Cugino mio, ora sai perché ti amo .
Ah ok. Io ho visto solo Arcore's nights.

from what I wanted, so treacherous to talk about Inter-Roma.
me that I have to look before continuing the interview?

Maybe it's better, but be prepared ...
Ok go. I'm looking at. Suffer. And I laugh too. Ok I think you can go with questions.

I've been pretty bad. Just tell me what you think of the game.
Matches like this are good for Italian football. The football fans of department arrived at the office with the stars in your eyes (for the game) and pats on the back (for me). Of course, defenses sieve, but the play of the samples we have from Sneijder to Vucinic and Julio Cesar (the triple block in the first half is something extraordinary from the aesthetic point of view). Inter deserved to win, the result is right. The partial of 4-1 would be too punitive.

The difference in the first half they made the goalies, there is little to say. The Roma came to Milan, knowing that Inter to leave a lot of space, enough Encoding toes. A smart choice and not by Ranieri, I was almost surprised. What I gave the most trouble were the technical comments after the game. How do you like Sconcerti -100 to 0?
I have not heard the comments too technical because I was shocked to read them. The only one I read is to Mauro that I liked, he says that have played two great teams and that the interaction of Leonardo, and show the whole attack and 7 victories in 8 games, is in full recovery and that the Rome must not get depressed. If we want to point to the fourth place, we have all the papers in order. For the championship, it will not wipe us hoped. Sconcerti hate him: on the other hand saw what he could do when he back to sporting director Fiorentina.

Sconcerti before the game had given Roma the winner, after he had prepared a sermon on the incredible differences between Inter and Roma, the high hopes, almost certainty, the first and the immense problems of the second. It 'was the most obvious, but it was not the only one. The match was very nice, I confirm what I wrote with Palermo, so you see playing football, you see quality and improve a league that is not represented by Inter-Roma unfortunately. Too bad that by taking a hundred goals will not go away. Inter I think sooner or later succumbs. My brother has been a while 'that says that Milan will not win. Do you believe?
I hope there. If Inter win, you know, would please me more. Milan are likely to lose some players because it has a decrepit old age and pseudocampioni in the field as Robinho and Cassano out of shape today. If it is there it is for the sins of Inter in the first place, and in Rome secundis (faults that may be of Rainier or corporate situation, probably both). The Rome his chances if it is likely to play, but Inter are still in the race. If you do take your head, quite hard for me to Moller. At this time there is great excitement in the environment.

We'll see. Meanwhile direi che abbiamo un responso. Forse sono precipitoso, ma la sconfitta di ieri del Bari, per me l'ha condannato in B.
Eh il Bari è in cattive acque, penso che non abbiano idea di come tirarsene fuori. Pensa che hanno acquistato il norvegese Huseklepp, la punta del Brann di Bergen. Significa essere con l'acqua alla gola. Invece noto che sul Lecce forse ci hai visto giusto, nonostante la sconfitta col Palermo.

Colgo al volo e ti chiedo cosa pensi di Miccoli.
Non so cosa pensare onestamente. Il gesto sembra bello, ma a quel punto non è meglio non entrare neanche in campo? "Mi rifiuto di giocare contro la mia squadra". Non so. Tu che ne pensi?

Che all'andata pare sia successo così, prolungando l'infortunio. Poi non so, alla fine giochi per il Palermo e ti pagano profumatamente per giocarle tutte, non per ritirarti perché giochi contro la tua squadra del cuore.
Altrimenti tanto vale giocare per essa. Forse esagera un po'. Un po' di rispetto sì, ma questo è troppo.

Finirà in B anche la Sampdoria? mi sembra assurdo ciò che sta succedendo.
Garrone secondo me ha fatto porcate and now on all major download Cassano and Pazzini. The problems are started with the failure to qualify for the Champions League, I think from there he began to plan the break-up. I do not think will go on B because there are too many bad teams below. Certainly the lower end of where it is.

I'm thinking about how to finish with a flourish ... came to my mind. Saturday night, Juventus won at Cagliari. For heaven's sake are three important points, but the statements seemed to be to win the Scudetto. They are so afraid to get to play against Inter without winning before?

Eh eh eh. Juve must cling everything, right now, are a series of defeats absurd. Of course if journalists did sensible considerations rather than get excited and depressed at every game, it would be better. The fact remains that with a championship so poor and pinched, just hit the line good to play for big things. So, never say never.

It 's true, Juve can still go down.

Pokemon Emerald Mod Shop Sets


They Live is a film directed by John Carpenter in 1988. You

short story Eight O'Clock in the Morning by Ray Nelson (1963) and starring wrestler "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Keith David and Meg Foster.


John Nada left Denver and moved to Los Angeles looking for a job. He is employed as a laborer on a construction site and thanks to a colleague is housed in a camp of huts on the outskirts of the city.

But after a few days, the police evacuate the camp and Nada finds a box full of strange sunglasses.

Provandoli, Nada scopre una realtà diversa, in bianco e nero:

i cartelloni pubblicitari contengono messaggi subliminali e in giro ci sono moltissime persone dall'aspetto simile a quello degli zombi.

Capendo che si tratta di alieni che stanno schiavizzando gli umani, Nada cerca un modo per rivelare al mondo la loro presenza.

« Ne ho trovato uno che riesce a vederci »
(Un'aliena - dai dialoghi del film)


Source: arcangeliedemoni.blogspot.com /

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Is It Safe To Put Vaseline On A Guitar

a convenient way to make a speech without saying anything

Friday, February 4, 2011

Alabama Football #12 Helmet



"CIO 'No wonder, WHY' even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
NOT 'SO' Great thing if his ministers also (REBEL ANGELS / DEMONS)
(2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

Veronica Lueken, the seer of Bayside (Veronica of the Cross), was the recipient of messages from heaven by Jesus, the Virgin Mary and many saints for over 25 years.

was a victim soul for the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church in these end times.


Mess. of 1/2/1978 to Veronica Lueken, Bayside, New York

"The theories of extraterrestrial life were created by Lucifer, also the false miracle of the last days, you know as" UFO ".

Mess. 13/15-10/1967 of Sister NN came out with the imprimatur.

"... Of all the planets, the earth contains only the image of God, man!
The other planets are not inhabited. "

Mess. Of 27/5/1978 to Veronica Lueken

"They are one of the false miracles of the last days. They are vehicles carrying demons of hell."

Mess. 06/18/1978 Veronica Lueken at the

"Satan is already opening a way into your consciousness, trying to get hold of your thoughts.
He is now celebrating false miracles. Those you call flying saucers are images
hell. "

"untold legions of demons are now unleashed on earth.
are clearly visible in the world the false miracles of your time caused by Satan ...

The flying saucers are a supernatural manifestation from Satan."

"Many agents are now unleashed hell on earth.
They have their own means of transport. Do not be fooled by the false theory that supports
be no other life than that of the Kingdom of Heaven.

E 'Satan to send these vehicles before your eyes in order to mislead and confuse you. These objects are flying in your atmosphere
hell. They are false miracles of your age. ... Their presence
will intensify as more and more will continue
battle for souls. "

during an exorcism performed July 15, 1978 Allida the demon was forced to tell the priest exorcist information concerning il fenomeno dei dischi

Ecco uno stralcio del singolare "colloquio":

"La dichiarazione concernente la faccenda dei pianeti, la quale afferma che
su di essi abitano altri uomini, è falsa... In un certo modo puzza di

...Sugli altri pianeti non vi sono nemmeno uomini. E' solo un illusione.
Ad inviarli (i dischi volanti) sono proprio quelli che abitano sui pianeti,
gli spiriti maledetti, affinchè gli uomini possano essere in qualche modo sedotti, o abbiano solo queste cose in testa; o affinchè possa essere negato
il Cristo, se vi sono storie di semisfere o di sfere...
Allora il mondo pensa: se vi sono quelle things, faith is sewn with white thread.

The same thing applies to books as "Life after death" and so on.,

where there are false things by halves, and hidden things that we were able to plot.

Question: But the spirits are not disembodied beings? How can they fly in flying saucers?

Also we are beings without a body, yet we look like demons, when necessary. We have not burned the bed of a Cure of Ars? We have appeared here and there, the Saints, as demons-women, that is, with the appearance of a person, you might say.

So we can do in order to appear in the form of discs Flying ...

... This story of flying saucers and the stories of the astral body, as well
these bright objects seen by the guards, everything is for our profit, and many other stories of that kind ...
there for you to think this and that ... and many other things.

If there are so many things (like this), it is Christ who lived a day in your world can also be everywhere at the same time.

... men on earth think the time: "We may enter the relationship with them and become smarter."

dint of study, manipulation ... they forget the true faith, the real rules and the basic lines ... to investigate these phenomena and are not advancing an inch, because we are too.

Source: http://www.paologiannetti.com/lafinedeitempi/gliufo.htm

The Miraculous Story of Bayside - Part 1 of 11

Veronica Lueken, the seer of Bayside, was the recipient of messages from heaven by Jesus, Our Lady and many saints for over 25 years.

was a victim soul for the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church in these end times, but it was through suffering borne for love of Jesus and Our Lady that eventually earned the title "Veronica of the Cross" (Our Lady, June 18, 1980).

Veronica was a faithful daughter of the Church. He lived and died in the Church in the Church. He passed to his eternal reward in Paradise Thursday, August 3, 1995. He was 72 years.

The funeral took place with a Mass in the Roman Catholic rite, and was buried in the cemetery of the Roman Catholic Mount Saint Mary in Flushing, New York. The legacy he left behind will be written forever in the annals of the Church.

Until June 1968, Veronica lived the life of a housewife in New York with all its five children.

On June 6, 1968, the day of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in California (USA), Veronica felt a strong smell of roses when they responded to a call to prayer for Senator radio.

Some time after this event, St. Therese of Lisieux (which has always been identified with the roses, as its most famous promise, often quoted, was: "After my death, I will shower a rain of roses from Heaven") appeared in the house.

This view was shared by the son of Veronica, Raymond.

Santa Teresa dictated to Veronica messages in the form of poems. Bayside Mission was born.

many mystical experiences began to happen when Santa Teresa Veronica gradually introduced to the way of spiritual childhood.
This served to prepare for its future role of the suffering victim soul and a clairvoyant. Arranged the scenario for the future appearance of the Virgin Mary.

Our Lady appeared to Veronica in her home April 7, 1970 and asked that the vigils were held outside of the Rosary, the eves of the major festivals of the Roman Catholic Church, the places of the old Church of St. Robert Bellarmine in the district of Bayside Hills, a neighborhood in Queens and one of the five boroughs of New York City.

Our Lady said that there was established a sanctuary and that you were invoked under the title "Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers." He promised that if these Vigils were held fairly, regardless of the weather and other inconveniences , you would have appeared to Veronica in any sleep and would have given messages from Heaven of global importance. Churches that during sleep, the Rosary was recited continuously, aloud by all the pilgrims.

From June 18, 1970, thousands of people from around the world participated in these vigils that were held outdoors regardless of the weather. On these occasions several hundred messages were transmitted through Veronica who acted as the "voice" repeating the words from Heaven.

It was recorded entirely live to tape.

As a victim soul, Veronica suffered enormously.

His body was always on a furnace of pain where he was continually tested and purified so that it can continue its mission for the sky in the purest state of grace.

He suffered a series of pain, including the heart, kidneys, bladder, spinal problems, arthritis, chronic fatigue, tinnitus and more. From 1979 to 1982 he was hospitalized 13 times for long periods. You could write a book only on disorders of Veronica (see sufferings of Gethsemane to Calvary, Veronica of the Cross).

Suffice it to say that the life of Veronica was the story of suffering, not only physical but also mental, emotional and spiritual. It was truly the image of the Holy Face, even reliving the Passion of Christ every Lent, and bringing his wounds (stigmata). But she bore it all for Jesus and the Blessed Virgin. Our Lady said to Veronica March 18, 1973 "You have been chosen for your strength in suffering."

Veronica loved brothers and sisters and did everything possible to bring them to Jesus and Our Lady. He endured the agony of his final in 1995 and went to his heavenly reward. And now we can turn to Veronica of the Cross and ask her to pray for us.

Veronica is not yet at rest.

From Heaven part World Apostolate of St. Michael for the propagation of the Mission from Heaven.

Source: http://www.smwa.org/Italiano/Veronica_della_Croce/Veronica_della_Croce.htm


Il Diavolo è una figura che, nella religione cristiana, in quella islamica e in altre religioni, rappresenta un'entità malvagia e potente e al contempo tentatrice dell'umanità.

Comunemente si ritiene che il Diavolo influenzi gli eretici, gli infedeli e altri miscredenti oltre che ai credenti e in alcuni casi anche i Santi.

Il nome "Diavolo" deriva dal greco Διάβολος, Diábolos, che significa letteralmente "diffamatore" o "accusatore" e anche "COLUI CHE DIVIDE".

In Christianity, God and the Devil are usually portrayed as the same spirits who fight for the souls of human beings, with the latter seeking to remove him from the first and to hell.

The devil is also in charge of a force of evil spirits subordinate to him, usually known as demons.

The Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) does not assign this level of personification to the devil there, the Adversary (Ha-satan) is a servant of God whose job it is to test humankind.

This entity is commonly called by various names such as Satan, Abaddon, Angra Mainyu, Beelzebub, Asmodai, Lucifer, Belial, and Iblis. Many other religions have a temptress or misleading figure that is similar to the Devil. The modern concept of the Devil include the thought that it represents the meanest man's own nature or the fullness of sin.

The members of the New Age movement have very different views about Satan, the Devil and similar entities.

In some forms of Esoteric Christianity Satan is an evil entity, or at least a metaphor for sin and materialism, but the most common trend is to completely deny its existence.

Lucifer, on the other hand, in the original Roman "bearer of light", sometimes appears in the writings of some groups as a metaphorical figure quite distinct from Satan, and without any involvement with evil.

For example, the founder of Theosophy, Madame Blavatsky gave the magazine its name Lucifer as he wanted it to be a "bringer of light."

Many New Age schools of thought follow a non-dualistic philosophy that does not recognize a central force for evil, even when followed by a two-tier model, this is often akin to the Chinese system of yin and yang, Taoism.

St. Paul wrote:

"Our struggle is not is against creatures made of flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places. "
(Ephesians 6:12)


La Porta Infinite - (THE DEMON)



lay hands on the sick and they will recover. "
(Mark 16:17-18)

Source: arcangeliedemoni.blogspot.com /

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And if life had begun in space?
Millions of people accept the theory that intelligent life has visited Earth thousands of years ago and were worshiped as gods by primitive man.

From unexplained gigantic structures, knowledge of the solar system, math and even the ability to create electricity, the documentary explores the evidence demonstrating how superior intelligence could have influenced the man antiquity and launches the search for answers in the world.

E 'a documentary that seeks to investigate the theory that the gods were astronauts Anic extraterrestrials.

Some believe that this theory is impossible and without scientific basis, but many others agree that it can not be ignored.



FONTE: arcangeliedemoni.blogspot.com/